Friday 26 June 2015

Lampung Province

For the music business, in Lampung Province who has a wealth of filter fabric has evolved types of traditional and modern music. For modern music, of course, has adopted a global musical culture as we know it.
And for traditional music, in Lampung has grown stringed musical arts are accompanied by acoustic guitar. But besides these two instruments, there are still some instrument / instruments from Lampung Province who should we know:

1. Gamolan
Gamolan is a musical instrument resembling a gamelan. Gamolan musical instruments from Lampung Province is a musical instrument made of bamboo and is played by striking.
It is estimated that a typical musical instrument Lampung Lampung community has been played since ancient 4th century BC, but until now many Lampung people who do not know from the wealth of traditional musical instruments.

Modern Gamolan which can be found in West Lampung and Way Kanan, had differences compared with ancient gamolan. Ancient Gamolan has eight parallel bamboo slats above a round chunk of bamboo around the arms of adults. Eight bamboo each representing eight scales, namely the do re mi fa so la si do. Meanwhile, the modern gamolan only have seven bamboo representing seven scales. One missing scales are tanga fa tone.

2. Serdam
Serdam is a traditional wind instrument of Lampung Province made of bamboo and has a pentatonic melodies. Unlike the flute or flute, dulcimer generally produce the basic tone G = do, consisting of 5 holes that produce rhythmic scales do, re, mi, sol, la and si (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7).This Lampung musical instrument made of bamboo which is round with a diameter of 1 cm + length + 25.5 cm. Peningkah hole diameter + 4 mm, the distance from the tip of the reed to the hole peningkah + 4 cm, while the distance between each hole peningkah + 2 cm. The valve hole spacing I and II + 1.5 cm valve while the valve to the blower distance I + 4 cm.
Serdam is used together with other Lampung musical instrument, usually played by a son. How to play the end of the blower hole and holes blown tone producer closed with fingers as we know it as a flute. As for the search for low or high tone is done by closing or opening the finger holes in the body along the serdam.

3. Kompang / Khaddap
Kompang is a kind of traditional musical instruments are very well known among the Malay community in general. Almost similar to the musical instrument tambourine, Kompang a traditional musical instrument from Lampung Province made of wood and goatskin. In some areas in Lampung, musical instruments Kompang also called Khaddap. The existence of this instrument is associated with the spread of Islam in Indonesia.
Kompang consists of various sizes. There measuring along the center line 22.5 cm, 25 cm, 27.5 cm and some are reached 35 cm.Kompang played in teams in a state of sitting, standing or walking. If Kompang berzanji played in the event, players will sit cross-legged or sit on a chair. If played in weddings and parades welcoming local officials or state officials, players Kompang running accompany the bride or local officials, or officials of that country.Kompang played using both hands. Kompang hand holding and hitting Kompang hand again. There are three tramp in the game Kompang, namely ordinary tramp, tramp kencet, and recovered as much unison. Rentak commonly played is unusual unison. Rentak kencet is unison in the middle of the blow, and then as if stopped immediately. Whereas tramp recovered as much as played back in unison for the first song.

4. Lute
As well as Kopang musical instruments, musical instrument Lute is a traditional musical instrument that spread has been associated with the spread of Islam in the archipelago. But in its development Lute instrument is used with Malay poetry, even equipped with other instruments.
Whereas in Lampung province alone, instrument Lute Lute known as Lunik or Child Buha which is kind kordofon musical instrument played by plucking.

 That's all, thank you for your attention
See you


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